15:04 <rbalint> #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team
15:04 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Sep  5 15:04:40 2019 UTC.  The chair is rbalint. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
15:04 <meetingology> 
15:04 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
15:04 <xnox> bah
15:04 <rbalint> xnox, you can continue if you want
15:05 <bdmurray> xnox: we got impatient
15:05 <rbalint> :-)
15:05 <xnox> nah
15:05 <rbalint> echo $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox juliank waveform)
15:05 <rbalint> cyphermox sil2100 xnox infinity doko juliank rbalint vorlon waveform tdaitx bdmurray
15:05 <juliank> ugh in the middle
15:06 <cyphermox> MIR review: perl packages for lintian
15:06 <cyphermox> shim review: Oracle, ECOS Technology GmbH
15:06 <cyphermox> testing netplan SRU for xenial (DBus support)
15:06 <cyphermox> preparing a new shim snapshot for Ubuntu
15:06 <cyphermox> investigating automake-1.16 self-check-report fail
15:06 <cyphermox> proposed-migration
15:06 <cyphermox> looking at usb-modeswitch bug LP: #1800794
15:06 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1800794 in usb-modeswitch (Ubuntu) "usb-modeswitch can't apply Configuration=0 to Snapdragon X12 LTE" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1800794
15:06 <cyphermox> (done)
15:07 <sil2100> - SRU reviews and releases
15:07 <sil2100> - FFe reviews
15:07 <sil2100> - Fixed handling of the core18's channel during u-r-u upgrades
15:07 <sil2100> - Tested latest snap-estimate and snap-channel changes in ubuntu-release-upgrader on a VM
15:07 <sil2100> - Released u-r-u for eoan, prepared paperwork for disco
15:07 <sil2100> - Attending meeting about image building
15:07 <sil2100> - Reviewed and sponsored latest u-boot changes for future Ubuntu Nitrogen6x support, prepared FFe
15:07 <sil2100> - Reviewing latest Nitrogen6x device-support branches
15:07 <sil2100> - Added support for core20 snap-builds in our auto-rebuild automation infrastructure
15:07 <sil2100> - Investigated bileto's britney crashing for Balint's libnfs ticket
15:07 <sil2100> (done)
15:07 <xnox> cyphermox:  oooh! i have plymouth pretty again. not sure what has changed =)
15:07 <xnox> * SRUs:
15:07 <xnox> - opencryptoki pending verification
15:07 <xnox> - openssl disco pending verification
15:07 <xnox> - amd64-microcod epending verification
15:07 <cyphermox> xnox: plymouth?
15:07 <xnox> - smc-tools pending aging & release
15:07 <xnox> * Uploads:
15:07 <xnox> - bug #1836866
15:07 <ubottu> bug 1836866 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "[19.10 FEAT] Upgrade libica >= 3.6.0" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1836866
15:07 <xnox> - unbreak dkms tests, when skipping or not building dkms modules
15:07 <xnox> - ocaml abi rebuild of ben
15:07 <xnox> - upload package split of probert (make core20 smaller)
15:07 <xnox> - merge bionic-ppa and in-archive forks of initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core
15:08 <xnox> - to do merge in uc20 fork into eoan
15:08 <gaughen> juliank, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jFGjC2MpUU
15:08 <xnox> * uc20:
15:08 <xnox> - build-base: core20 is in progress in snapcraft, should unlock
15:08 <xnox> building eoan kernel snap
15:08 <xnox> - snapcraft make plugin supporting core20 is still not in progress,
15:08 <xnox> ping devs about it:
15:08 <xnox> https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2619
15:08 <xnox> - gadget snap is buildable with `base: core18` on eoan, but that is
15:08 <xnox> invalid/incompatible to build an image. Need `base: core20`
15:08 <xnox> support in all the things.
15:08 <xnox> done
15:08 <xnox> cyphermox:  as in on boot, instead of "splash logo" everything was "ubuntu text" theme (ie. * * * *, instead of png dots with hidpi support)
15:08 <rbalint> i guess doko?:
15:08 <doko> - vacation last Friday and last Monday
15:08 <doko> - glibc transition fun
15:08 <doko> - filing of py2removal bugs in Debian (not yet syncing from Debian)
15:08 <doko> - openjdk-11, -13, -14 uploads, merging tdaitx's changes
15:08 <doko> - one more round of toolchain updates
15:08 <doko> (done)
15:08 <cyphermox> xnox: ah, yes
15:08 <xnox> video something?!
15:09 <juliank> * short week - was off Friday, Monday
15:09 <juliank> * uploaded apt 1.8.3 and apt 1.6.12 fixing various bugs, including LP: #1838771 and LP: #1829861
15:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1838771 in apt (Ubuntu Disco) "http:Fix Host header in proxied https connections" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1838771
15:09 <juliank> * uploaded initramfs-tools to fix panic=-1 in eoan. Still need to get a proper reproducer for SRUs.
15:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1829861 in apt (Ubuntu Disco) "handle TLS session renegotiation" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1829861
15:09 <juliank> * too much discussion about debian bug 935910
15:09 <ubottu> Debian bug 935910 in apt "apt: Should be less tolerant of dpkg errors when forcing removal" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/935910
15:09 <juliank> (done)
15:09 <rbalint> * partner work
15:09 <rbalint> * internal discussions
15:09 <rbalint> * got systemd 241 in eoan, merged 242-6, refining in bileto ppa
15:10 <rbalint> * started libnfs transition in Debian
15:10 <rbalint> (done)
15:10 <bdmurray> vorlon:
15:10 <vorlon> * short week, Labor Day on Monday.
15:10 <vorlon> * proposed-migration
15:10 <vorlon> (done)
15:11 <doko> refining systemd?
15:11 <bdmurray> WaVeR:
15:11 <waveform> * Short week (off Monday/Tuesday)
15:11 <waveform> * Finished new boot configuration files and migration (lots of examples in comments)
15:11 <waveform> * Tested new u-boot configuration and migration on various pi releases and on bionic
15:11 <waveform> * Pi4 kernel work
15:11 <waveform> (done)
15:11 <rbalint> doko, fixing last regressions
15:11 <bdmurray> oops another wave
15:11 <tdaitx> * fixed python-packaging
15:11 <tdaitx> * uploaded jck-11 snap & got approval for classic snap
15:11 <tdaitx> - tested uploaded snap
15:11 <tdaitx> * working on security fixes for apport & whoopsie
15:11 <tdaitx> - tracked some lib repo changes for whoopsie
15:11 <tdaitx> - testing apport fixes
15:11 <tdaitx> Other:
15:11 <tdaitx> - out tomorrow
15:11 <tdaitx> - working from Mon-Wed next week, GMT+3 time zone (so pretty jet lagged)
15:11 <tdaitx> (done)
15:11 <bdmurray> contemplated apport/gdb .gnu_debugaltlink issues
15:11 <bdmurray> contacted IS regarding stg-geonames setup on wendigo
15:11 <bdmurray> created an RT about having a model built for the above
15:12 <bdmurray> chucked an email to RT about testing new version of daisy
15:12 <bdmurray> cut mlocate from the standard seed of ubuntu
15:12 <bdmurray> corresponded with ubuntu-devel via email regarding unseeding of mlocate
15:12 <bdmurray> consulted regarding wording of ESM in motd for trusty
15:12 <bdmurray> converted wording changes into a bug LP: #1842508
15:12 <bdmurray> coaxed lxml to migrate out of -proposed for eoan
15:12 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1842508 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Trusty) "motd messaging changes regarding apt updates" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1842508
15:12 <bdmurray> celebrated the day of labor on 9/2 (holiday)
15:12 <bdmurray> colluded with gaughen regarding team event
15:12 <bdmurray> captivated my comrades with my status report
15:12 <bdmurray> (done)
15:12 <rbalint> any question on status?
15:14 <rbalint> #topic Release incoming bugs
15:14 <rbalint> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-aa-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:14 <bdmurray> there is nothing new for rls-ee
15:14 <xnox> bdmurray:  contempt you should be held in
15:14 <rbalint> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-dd-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:16 <xnox> waveform:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1817133
15:16 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1817133 in Ubuntu "No bluetooth on 18.04 for raspi3 arm64" [Undecided,Confirmed]
15:18 <rbalint> #topic Team proposed-migration report
15:19 <gaughen> http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ee-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs
15:19 <gaughen> okay nothing to look at here.
15:19 <gaughen> back to your show rbalint
15:19 <rbalint> #topic Team proposed-migration report
15:20 <rbalint> #link http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs
15:20 <rbalint> imagemagick is still mir
15:20 <rbalint> lintian deps are mir-ed
15:20 <cyphermox> yup, reviewing them
15:21 <gaughen> rbalint, cyphermox on thos MIRs... are they on track to happen this cycle?
15:22 <rbalint> gaughen, i believe so
15:23 <cyphermox> gaughen: the lintian MIRs won't block, I expect
15:25 <vorlon> build-essential says it's 'waiting' on test results, for 8 days
15:25 <vorlon> someone want to retrigger those?
15:25 <doko> cyphermox: they are blocking
15:25 <doko> colin asked today as well
15:25 <cyphermox> doko: i mean they won't take inordinate amounts of time to review
15:26 <vorlon> who's responsible for next steps on those MIRs?
15:26 <vorlon> doesn't look like the bugs are filed yet
15:26 <doko> they are
15:26 <vorlon> they don't show up on https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed , so bugs not in the right state?
15:26 <cyphermox> vorlon: I'm reviewing them, as per my status
15:26 <rbalint> i point to the mirs from the card
15:26 <cyphermox> the bugs are brand new from doko earlier today
15:27 <vorlon> k, bug created more recently than the last c-m report generation
15:27 <doko> component-mismatches seems to be out of date
15:27 <vorlon> build-essential?
15:28 <doko> last run at noon
15:28 <rbalint> i'm looking into the lintian test, i incorrectly remembered that only deps are missing from main
15:29 <gaughen> so where are we on the list now?
15:30 <rbalint> twisted, i think
15:30 <rbalint> no, build-essential
15:31 <vorlon> rerunning the tests for gtk+3.0 that went missing against build-essential
15:31 <vorlon> somebody already did it
15:32 <vorlon> oh, that was automatic
15:32 <vorlon> looks like gtk+3.0 new upload introduced autopkgtests, which is why it's newly-blocking build-essential
15:33 <vorlon> actually I'm not sure why gtk+3.0 and pulseaudio are newly-blocking if they weren't before
15:33 <vorlon> but I'm willing to ignore those
15:33 <vorlon> so the only real blocker we need to care about there is lintian/armhf
15:33 <vorlon> rbalint: is that the one you said you were looking into?
15:33 <rbalint> vorlon, yes
15:34 <vorlon> ok
15:34 <vorlon> twisted -> gvfs/ppc64el ?
15:34 <rbalint> i just retriggered twisted on ppc64el
15:34 <vorlon> yeah, I've done that a couple times as well
15:34 <rbalint> it seems quite flaky
15:34 <rbalint> maybe we could just hint it
15:35 <vorlon> probably
15:35 <vorlon> I'll follow up
15:35 <vorlon> gdb -> libapp-stacktrace-perl/armhf?
15:35 <vorlon> those packages seem not-unrelated
15:36 <doko> waveform: ^^^
15:37 <rbalint> waveform, could you take that?
15:37 <rbalint> lintian, man-db is lintian
15:37 <vorlon> liberror-perl -> courier-filter-perl?
15:39 <rbalint> it seems to be an installability issue, anyone?
15:40 <sil2100> I can take it if anything
15:41 <sil2100> Is it carded?
15:41 <rbalint> gaughen, ? ;-)
15:41 <gaughen> I'll card it!
15:42 <sil2100> \o/
15:42 <sil2100> gaughen: courier-filter-perl/0.200+ds-4: amd64 (log, history), arm64 (log, history), armhf (log, history), i386 (log, history), ppc64el (log, history), s390x (log, history)
15:42 <sil2100> This ^
15:42 <rbalint> and we are done i think
15:42 <gaughen> thanks!
15:42 <rbalint> #topic AOB
15:43 <bdmurray> xnox: Do you remember creating the python-sphinxapi package?
15:47 <cyphermox> I'll be at Plumbers at the beginning of next week; access to IRC might be spotty but there'll always be Telegram
15:47 <gaughen> just a quick reminder of upcoming release dates
15:48 <gaughen> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EoanErmine/ReleaseSchedule
15:48 <gaughen> Beta is 26 Sept
15:48 <gaughen> that's 3 weeks from today
15:49 <gaughen> Final Freeze is 10 Oct
15:49 <gaughen> 5 weeks from today
15:49 <gaughen> that's it for me rbalint
15:51 <rbalint> #endmeeting