16:00 <mvo> #startmeeting
16:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Jan 29 16:00:50 2015 UTC.  The chair is mvo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
16:00 <meetingology> 
16:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
16:00 <sil2100> o/
16:01 <mvo> [TOPIC] Lightning round
16:01 <infinity> \o
16:01 <jodh> o/
16:01 <mvo> $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity mvo sil2100 robru cyphermox)
16:01 <mvo> caribou mvo slangasek sil2100 stgraber jodh infinity robru cyphermox barry bdmurray doko
16:01 <cyphermox> o/
16:01 <mvo> hey caribou
16:01 <caribou> o/
16:01 <caribou> mvo: Hi
16:01 <mvo> caribou: you won this time :) you go first
16:02 <caribou> :)
16:02 <caribou> * Improvement to apport for large kernel dump files
16:02 <caribou> * implement firmware assisted kernel dump for ppc64el
16:02 <caribou> (done)
16:02 <mvo> snappy:
16:02 <mvo> - lots of feature work on go version and more tests
16:02 <mvo> - impressive speedup on slow ARM hardware so far
16:02 <mvo> - move binaries from ~/snappy-bin to /apps/bin
16:02 <mvo> - planning
16:02 <mvo> - implement python ConfigParser compatible go module for s-i compatibility
16:02 <mvo> squid-deb-proxy:
16:02 <mvo> - Merge fix for LP: #1166667 and upload to debian
16:02 <mvo> ubiquity:
16:02 <mvo> - Branch review/merges/upload new version
16:02 <mvo> ubuntu-release-upgrader:
16:02 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1166667 in squid-deb-proxy (Ubuntu) "The default configuration is missing the /etc/squid-deb-proxy/autogenerated/pkg-blacklist-regexp.acl file" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1166667
16:02 <mvo> - Review  lp:~xnox/ubuntu-release-upgrader/lp1409555
16:03 <mvo> Hit "nosetest3/python3 -m unitest" issue where it would apparently not
16:03 <mvo> honor PYTHONPATH - barry help :-)
16:03 <mvo> misc:
16:03 <mvo> - started with performance review
16:03 <mvo> (done)
16:03 <barry> mvo: ping me after the meeting
16:03 <mvo> barry: sure
16:04 <mvo> hm, slangasek is busy, so sil2100 next?
16:04 <sil2100> Ok :)
16:04 <sil2100> - Landing team work, silos coordination, preparing landing e-mails
16:04 <sil2100> - Weekend trainguard shift before the big deadline
16:04 <sil2100> - Quick look into the vivid image brokeness due to new lxc upload
16:04 <sil2100> - Working on project maintenance, helping out upstream developers in keeping branches synced
16:04 <slangasek> well, I can give a status dump, but sil2100 go ahead
16:04 <sil2100> - Investigating and finding the root cause of the lack of autopilot smoketests
16:04 <sil2100> * Getting ubuntu-rtm tests back
16:04 <sil2100> * Gathering information for vivid issues with wrong bzr revision in terminal-app
16:04 <sil2100> - Landing coordination for big milestone
16:04 <sil2100> - Investigating Qt header issues with licensecheck
16:04 <sil2100> - Reverting mediascanner2 in vivid (regression in music-app)
16:04 <sil2100> * Now properly fixed upstream
16:05 <sil2100> - Fix the reverter script in cupstream2distro
16:05 <sil2100> - RTM status meetings
16:05 <sil2100> - Reverting unity-scopes-shell to fix recent scopes accounts regression
16:05 <sil2100> - Documenting milestone progress on the wiki reports page
16:05 <sil2100> - Qt 5.4
16:05 <sil2100> * Rebuilding old components
16:05 <sil2100> * Including Albert's patch for qtbase to fix qtmir tests
16:05 <sil2100> * More touch testing
16:05 <sil2100> (done)
16:05 <slangasek> * ongoing snappy work; nothing specific to report, mostly roadmapping to 15.04 right now
16:05 <slangasek> * 14.04.2 prep
16:05 <slangasek> * partner package processing
16:06 <slangasek> (done)
16:06 <slangasek> :)
16:07 <jodh> looks like stgraber isn't around so I'll go:
16:07 <jodh> * misc:
16:07 <jodh> - Short week as out Monday.
16:07 <jodh> * snappy:
16:07 <jodh> - lp:snappy (go):
16:07 <jodh> - Raised MP for lp:~jamesodhunt/snappy/ensure-other-mounted-ro
16:07 <jodh> - Raised MP for lp:~jamesodhunt/snappy/fix-stringSliceRemote
16:07 <stgraber> I'm sprinting this week and next
16:07 <jodh> - Reviewed and merged a few other branches.
16:07 <jodh> - Planning.
16:07 <jodh> - Currently co-ordinating changes to 4 packages that need to land
16:07 <jodh> together and which will allow the snappy code to be simpler and more performant.
16:07 <jodh>16:08 <infinity> slangasek: I was expecting a much less professional reject message on that SRU.
16:08 <infinity> * Prep for 14.04.2 point release
16:08 <infinity> - X HWE SRU review and babysitting
16:08 <infinity> - Kernel SRU wrangling
16:08 <infinity> - POWER SRUs
16:08 <infinity> * Fix 32-bit EABI binary execution on arm64
16:08 <infinity> * General SRU and AA handling
16:08 <infinity> * Stopped being sick, finally
16:08 <infinity> * Next two weeks, I'll be in Capetown and then Hong Kong
16:08 <infinity> (done)
16:09 <robru> * major, ongoing work to get a new production deployment of ci train
16:09 <robru> - lots of iterations over lots of random little gotchas
16:09 <robru> - fixed vhost templates
16:09 <robru> - fixed broken nagios check
16:09 <robru> - added landscape, ksplice, and basenode support
16:09 <robru> - added & configured persistent nova volume storage
16:09 <robru> - renamed 'ci-train-apache2-jenkins' unit to just 'ci-train-apache2' in order to disambiguate from 'ci-train-jenkins' unit.
16:09 <robru> * expanded wiki instructions for blowing away and redeploying ci-train.staging.ubuntu.com after doing so several times
16:09 <robru> * got my meizu and flashed vivid on it after a few stumbles
16:09 <robru> * and as usual, landings, landings, landings.
16:09 <robru> ✓ done
16:09 <cyphermox> * triaging plymouth bugs
16:09 <cyphermox> * installation-guide update + add note about live-installer/net-image preseed config
16:09 <cyphermox> * fixed up SRUs to trusty for gnome-bluetooth + bluez simple secure pairing.
16:09 <cyphermox> * merged: network-manager-pptp, network-manager-applet, isdnutils with help from ari-tczew
16:09 <cyphermox> * reviewed merges for debian-cd, livecd-rootfs, ubiquity for Ubuntu MATE
16:09 <cyphermox> * upload NM with more autopkgtest fixes and patches
16:09 <cyphermox> * grub cherry-pick for bug 1311247 to Debian, got synced by Colin.
16:09 <ubottu> bug 1311247 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "[Grubenv] error: malformed file, press any key to continue" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1311247
16:09 <cyphermox> (done)
16:09 <barry> system-image: triaging bugs for snappy branch port to si 3.0.  LP: #1377184.  LP: #1381538.  LP: #1333414.  LP: #1414700 (discussed).  bump coverage back to 100%.  kinda started https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+spec/test-server
16:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1377184 in system-image (Ubuntu) "move archive_master file out of /etc to avoid it being treated as a conffile" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1377184
16:09 <barry> cloud-init: python 3 port completed, awaiting merge.
16:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1381538 in Ubuntu system image "Please rename the "reboot" hook to something more generic like "apply"" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381538
16:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1333414 in Ubuntu system image "Add --skip-gpg-verification flag" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1333414
16:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1414700 in Ubuntu system image "Port ReloadConfiguration() API from snappy branch" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1414700
16:09 <barry> debuntu: LP: #1415028 (discussed).  discussed python-selenium update with thomi
16:09 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1415028 in python-virtualenv (Ubuntu) "virtualenv's included pip does not use system libraries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1415028
16:09 <barry> --done--
16:10 <bdmurray> finished testing of channel filtering in canonistack (good)
16:10 <bdmurray> updated cassandra code in errors to filter by channel (due to an oops)
16:10 <bdmurray> added device filtering to the errors frontend
16:10 <bdmurray> updated default device / channel selection in errors code
16:10 <bdmurray> fixed error tracker bug LP: #1410860 (show Ubuntu RTM)
16:10 <bdmurray> modified apport-test-crashes package to create some crashes with DistroRelease of Ubuntu RTM 14.09 for testing LP: #1410860
16:10 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1410860 in Errors "show Ubuntu RTM releases in package versions table" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1410860
16:10 <bdmurray> test phased-updater rate increase (found django change bug)
16:10 <bdmurray> investigation into retracer oopses not being caught
16:10 <bdmurray> sorted out why OOPSes aren't appearing on daisy in canonistack
16:10 <bdmurray> worked with lamont regarding statsd_host changes
16:10 <bdmurray> pinged pitti about apport uploading crashes to Launchpad
16:10 <bdmurray> resolution of apport package hooks not being run by whoopsie-upload-all
16:10 <bdmurray> uploaded fix for bug LP: #1411584 to T and U
16:10 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1411584 in liboobs (Ubuntu Utopic) "correctly return error and emit warning" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1411584
16:10 <bdmurray> uploaded fix for bug LP: #1411577 to T and U
16:10 <bdmurray> uploaded fix for LP: #1411610 to T and U
16:10 <bdmurray> uploaded samba Trusty SRU for LP: #1412909
16:10 <bdmurray> SRU team training of tjaalton
16:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1411577 in system-tools-backends (Ubuntu Utopic) "fix current user's info retrieval" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1411577
16:11 <slangasek> infinity: do we have 14.04.2 desktop candidate images?
16:11 <bdmurray> ✔ done
16:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1411610 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu Utopic) "don't ignore OobsResult in a callback function" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1411610
16:11 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1412909 in samba (Ubuntu Trusty) "Please raise Suggests for lib{pam,nss}-winbind to Recommends in trusty" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1412909
16:11 <doko> - gccgo-5 in vivid
16:11 <doko> - llvm-3.6 as the default
16:11 <doko> - more updates to the ubuntu-toolchain-r/test PPA, the libstdc++
16:11 <doko> ABI transition will be fun :-/
16:11 <doko> - openjdk-[678] uploaded
16:11 <doko> (done)
16:11 <doko> urgh, whl component mismatches ...
16:12 <infinity> slangasek: The last of X rolled in this morning, and Maarten and I experimented with how to get it to install cleanly, will translate those experiments into livecd-rootfs changes after I've slept. :/
16:12 <mvo> any questions/further comments?
16:12 <slangasek> infinity: ah, k.  What was left of X that still needed to roll?
16:13 <infinity> slangasek: A few bits had a build-dep on a library that was in universe in trusty, but main in U+, had to give that a copy/promote.
16:13 <infinity> slangasek: -evdev, and something else.
16:13 <slangasek> ok
16:14 <mvo> [TOPIC] AOB
16:14 <mvo> do we have any AOB?
16:14 <infinity> doko: Are we sure the gcc-5 snapshot libgcc1 is a safe thing to be shipping?
16:14 <doko> yes
16:14 <infinity> (At least it's better than an empty libgcc1 binary?)
16:14 <infinity> *cough*
16:15 <doko> and if people need go 1.4 in trusty, I wouldn't mind uploading that there too
16:16 <slangasek> doko: I thought you had said that libgcc1 wouldn't need to be built from gcc-5
16:16 <doko> did I? hmm ...
16:17 <slangasek> yes ;)
16:17 <slangasek> I don't think I'd like to see that SRUed into trusty
16:19 <slangasek> doesn't sound like any other business
16:19 <mvo> cool, short meeting then
16:19 <mvo> #endmeeting