16:08 <blackboxsw> #startmeeting Cloud-init bi-weekly status meeting
16:08 <meetingology> Meeting started Fri Feb 16 16:08:08 2018 UTC.  The chair is blackboxsw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
16:08 <meetingology> 
16:08 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
16:08 <blackboxsw> much better thanks nacc
16:08 <nacc> blackboxsw: yw
16:08 <blackboxsw> #topic Recent changes
16:08 <blackboxsw> Cloud-init upstream team has been working on an SRU for Artful and Xenial.
16:09 <blackboxsw> We discovered a couple of SRU-blocking bugs on EC2 as well as cloud-init subcommands so we've landed a couple of fixes there which are queued for SRU now
16:09 <blackboxsw> * cloud-init status --wait blocks until all stages complete (LP: #1747965)
16:09 <blackboxsw> * SRU EC2 upgrade path fix for 'systemctl restart cloud-init.service' (LP:1748354)
16:09 <blackboxsw> * Fix ds-identify nocloud detection with bind mounted writable/system-data directory (LP: #1747070)
16:09 <blackboxsw> * Tests: include missing unitests in python2.6 environments. Fix py2.6 incompatilibilies
16:09 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1747965 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init status reports done before boot is finished" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1747965
16:09 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1747070 in cloud-init "ds-identify does not see nocloud seed in core snap" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1747070
16:11 <blackboxsw> * Fixed centos cloud-init build and test tooliing
16:12 <blackboxsw> * SUSE: Fix groups used for ownership of cloud-init.log [RobertS]
16:12 <blackboxsw> thanks folks for continuing to push on quality of cloud-init releases.
16:12 <smoser> o/ thanks for starting blackboxsw
16:13 <blackboxsw> not sure if I'm missing any other content that has landed in the last week and a half
16:14 <blackboxsw> I also think powersj rharper may have sorted a couple of issues with storage on our common CI on Jenkins
16:14 <blackboxsw> #link https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init/
16:14 <powersj> Yes CI is up and running again, I have more defensive statements in to prevent us from running out of storage
16:15 * blackboxsw is not sure, are there rumors we might have more hardware dedicated to jenkins in the future powersj ?
16:15 <powersj> We do, however it is our jenkins master that runs out of storage :\
16:15 <blackboxsw> ahh gotcha, SPOF
16:16 <powersj> yeah
16:16 <blackboxsw> ok, if no other work is 'complete'; let's  jump topics
16:16 <blackboxsw> ahh forgot ryan landed
16:16 <blackboxsw> net: accept network-config in netplan format for renaming interfaces
16:17 <blackboxsw> per LP: #1709715
16:17 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1709715 in cloud-init "cloud-init apply_net_config_names doesn't grok v2 configs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1709715
16:18 <blackboxsw> #topic In-progress Development
16:18 <blackboxsw> So we are working toward quality on the 18.1 release for next week.
16:19 <blackboxsw> Ubuntu specifically is finalizing verification on cloud-init 17.2.35  update for Xenial and Artful series (expectation is that this SRU will be public in 1 week).   17.2.35 is a snapshot of tip from a couple days ago
16:20 <blackboxsw> we've also published tip of cloud-init master to bionic to keep the development release up to date with latest cloud-init
16:20 <blackboxsw> current ongoing work as always is on our trello board. we tried tidying up the cards a bit
16:20 <blackboxsw> #link https://trello.com/b/hFtWKUn3/daily-cloud-init-curtin
16:21 <blackboxsw> we have upcoming branches for a new snap cloud-config module for configuring and maintaining snap packages
16:21 <rharper> https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1749722
16:21 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1749722 in cloud-init "NTP: take into account systemd-timesyncd where present" [Medium,In progress]
16:21 <rharper> I'm actively working on that
16:22 <blackboxsw> this snap work will obsolete snappy and snap_config modules, so expect that they'll be deprecated. in 18.1 and dropped completely in 18.2
16:22 <smoser> https://code.launchpad.net/~rski/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/312284
16:22 <smoser> i just moved that back into review
16:22 <blackboxsw> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1749722
16:22 <smoser> hope to take a lookc at it today.
16:22 <blackboxsw> #link https://code.launchpad.net/~rski/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/312284
16:23 <blackboxsw> so per rharper's; chrony will be first class citizen in cloud-init
16:26 <blackboxsw> per cards in our trello board TODO lane, any card above the 18.1 release card (and anything in Doing/Review  lane) is something we want to land in the 18.1 release
16:26 <blackboxsw> ... next topic so we can talk about release
16:27 <blackboxsw> #topic cloud-init version 18.1 release (2/23/2018)
16:27 <blackboxsw> next thursday we want to cut tip of cloud-init with any features we want to fold into the 18.1 release
16:28 <blackboxsw> this point in the meeting is a good opportunity for us to discuss features and bugs that any folks think are a priority for this release
16:29 <blackboxsw> smoser we saw some talk about archlinux support/updates, do we know whether we've gotten any updates about gaps/needs/bugs there?
16:29 <stanguturi> @blackboxsw: I have two requests. One for the merge request and one about the bug.
16:29 <smoser> blackboxsw: i've not seen any more than that developer asked about here in the channel.
16:30 <stanguturi> @blackboxsw: Let me know if I can post my questions here or discuss them offline.
16:30 <blackboxsw> stanguturi: please do discuss here. open forum :)
16:30 <blackboxsw> if it gets too long a discussion, we can take it to your branch or email
16:31 <blackboxsw> #link https://code.launchpad.net/~sankaraditya/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/337736
16:31 <blackboxsw> for reference right ?
16:31 <stanguturi> @blackboxsw: Thanks. I have a merge request posted at https://code.launchpad.net/~sankaraditya/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/337736
16:31 <stanguturi> Want this to get into 18.1 It's a low-risk fix. Should not break anything.
16:32 <stanguturi> Also, found a bug in ds-identify . https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1749980
16:32 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1749980 in cloud-init "ds-identify doesn't properly detect ISO" [Undecided,New]
16:32 <blackboxsw> ok just glancing at your branch now stanguturi looks fairly straight forward, and as always I'd like to see some unit tests covering that changeset
16:33 <stanguturi> @blackboxsw: We already have unit tests for DataSourceOVF. This actually doesn't add any new functionality. The existing test cases should be sufficient enough.
16:33 <blackboxsw> we have existing unit tests in tests/unittests/test_ds_identify.py which should be easy to extend for the additional detection
16:33 <blackboxsw> in ds-identify
16:34 <blackboxsw> yeah I was thinking more about ds-identify specifically
16:35 <blackboxsw> all said though, that branch looks low-risk and we can probably get that landed before release.
16:35 <blackboxsw> I'll add a card to trello for us to shepherd that in.
16:35 <stanguturi> @blackboxsw: Great. Thanks.
16:36 <stanguturi> @blackboxsw: Also I have a question about https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1749980 Any inputs will be great.
16:36 <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 1749980 in cloud-init "ds-identify doesn't properly detect ISO" [Undecided,New]
16:37 <blackboxsw> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1749980
16:37 <blackboxsw> looking
16:38 <blackboxsw> ohh good stanguturi we'll sort that bug and either provide more information on this
16:38 <blackboxsw> for that bug discussion, let's move it to the "office hours" topic which comes up next
16:38 <blackboxsw> I'd like smoser rharper to peek at that too
16:38 <stanguturi> @blackboxsw: Ok. Sure. Thanks
16:39 <blackboxsw> any other topics, branches or bugs that folks are itching to get in for 18.1 release?
16:41 <blackboxsw> kpcyrd: any opdates or concerns on archlinux that you are aware of currently?
16:42 <smoser> stanguturi: you can run a command there now ?
16:42 <blackboxsw> let's transition to office hours now
16:42 <smoser> 2 things
16:42 <blackboxsw> #topic Office hours (next ~30 mins)
16:43 <stanguturi> @smoser: Sorry. Didn't quite get the question.
16:43 <blackboxsw> And thanks all for joining. Any burning questions, bugs, branches that need discussion can be brought up now.
16:44 <stanguturi> @smoser: Oh. Are you asking if I can run any commands in my virtual machine right now.? Yeah. Sure.
16:44 <smoser> stanguturi: can you run stuff int hat system ?
16:44 <smoser> a.) cat /run/cloud-init/ds-identify.log
16:44 <smoser> b.) idstr="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1"
16:45 <smoser> grep --quiet --ignore-case "$idstr" /dev/sr0
16:45 <smoser> grep --quiet --ignore-case "$idstr" /dev/sr0 && echo y || echo n
16:46 <smoser> stanguturi: basically the 'is_cdrom_ovf' should have gone down the path into that grep of the cdrom block device
16:48 <stanguturi> @smoser: grep --quiet --ignore-case "$idstr" /dev/sr0 returned "grep: /dev/sr0: Input/output error"
16:48 <stanguturi> @smoser: grep --quiet --ignore-case "$idstr" /dev/sr0 && echo y || echo n returned "grep: /dev/sr0: Input/output error and then new line and then n'
16:48 <meetingology> stanguturi: Error: No closing quotation
16:48 <blackboxsw> heh thanks meetingology
16:50 <stanguturi> @smoser: Actually, read_fs_info doesn't DI_ISO9660_DEVS in my system. and because of this, dscheck_OVF returns DS_NOT_FOUND.
16:51 <smoser> stanguturi: what release are you on ?
16:51 <stanguturi> Trying it on 17.04 zesty desktop
16:52 <stanguturi> and tried with top of the tree code in cloud-init.
16:56 <smoser> stanguturi: could you potentially let me in via ssh ?
16:57 <stanguturi> @smoser: Sorry. It's on my private network. Will not be able to provide ssh.
16:58 <stanguturi> @smoser: We can do a webex conference if you want.
17:03 <smoser> stanguturi: can you ssh out of the node ?
17:03 <stanguturi> @smoser: Yes.
17:07 <smoser> ok. /query window
17:11 <blackboxsw> ok this triage will continue. if there are no other pressing bugs/concerns, we'll close out this meeting and keep pushing toward 18.1 upstream release next thursday
17:11 <blackboxsw> thanks again for your time folks. I'll post these minutes to the cloud-init github page
17:12 <blackboxsw> #link https://cloud-init.github.io
17:17 <blackboxsw> next meeting march 5th same "bat time" same "bat channel"
17:18 <blackboxsw> #endmeeting