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Factoid Value Author
blacklist <reply> To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u » Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-07-08 22:10:20
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2011-03-29 19:19:00
Requested 867 times
blender a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-19 12:25:52
Requested 106 times
blueprints blueprint <reply>An explanation of what a blueprint is can be found at https://help.launchpad.net/Blueprint. Want to suggest or discuss ideas of a future project/feature? With Launchpad you can track blueprints (feature specification summaries) from discussion through review, approval, and implementation. See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ Added by tonyyarusso
Date: 2008-01-15 05:57:37
Last edited by IdleOne
Date: 2011-06-11 23:53:22
Requested 21 times
bluetooth <reply>For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup Added by Madpilot
Date: 2006-06-28 11:00:53
Requested 1310 times
bofh <reply>You can find the BOFH and the PFY at https://bearbin.net/bofh and http://theregister.co.uk/odds/bofh/ Added by Seveas
Date: 2007-11-11 20:52:01
Last edited by dax
Date: 2016-04-02 04:18:20
Requested 15 times
boot init smartbootmanager boot floppy bum <reply> Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-19 15:24:07
Last edited by dax
Date: 2016-03-29 05:39:13
Requested 2470 times
bootchart <reply> bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot Added by ompaul
Date: 2008-02-24 21:34:35
Last edited by ompaul
Date: 2008-02-24 21:35:27
Requested 104 times
bootinfo <reply> Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem. Added by IdleOne
Date: 2011-05-05 00:52:49
Last edited by IdleOne
Date: 2015-01-06 20:49:53
Requested 336 times
bootinfoscript <reply> To diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). Added by IdleOne
Date: 2011-05-05 00:47:20
Requested 21 times
bootlog <reply> To show errors during boot and shutdown, edit the kernel command line: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters and replace "quiet splash" by "debug systemd.log_level=info". Disable "Full screen logo" and "Fastboot" options in your BIOS setup, or hit 'Esc' when the logo shows on power up. Added by hggdh
Date: 2019-07-29 16:30:49
Last edited by tomreyn
Date: 2023-10-26 12:36:26
Requested 60 times
bootoptions bootoption <reply> For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset. Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-19 11:32:08
Last edited by oCean
Date: 2011-06-26 12:00:40
Requested 665 times
bootrepair <reply> Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info. Added by k1l
Date: 2014-11-05 21:27:32
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2014-11-05 21:31:43
Requested 86 times
borg <reply> borg is a fast backup tool with incremental backups: https://www.borgbackup.org/ (Ubuntu packages: borgbackup, borgbackup-doc, and borgmatic) Added by hggdh
Date: 2019-03-12 22:41:29
Requested 24 times
boss-#ubuntu-offtopic <reply> http://instantboss.org/ Added by IdleOne
Date: 2014-07-23 00:42:28
Requested 3 times
botabuse bot abuse fishing msgthebot askthebot msg the bot msgbot investigate investigation pm the bot messagethebot message the bot bot-abuse abusethebot <reply> Please investigate me only with "/msg $nick bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg $nick search <pattern>" Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-07-26 21:48:13
Last edited by krytarik
Date: 2016-11-27 08:17:56
Requested 8076 times
botbugs <reply> Bugs in or wishlist items for the Ubuntu IRC Bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots - For requesting new factoids, see !usage Added by Pici
Date: 2011-06-28 12:39:34
Requested 3 times
botclone botcloning <reply> $nick uses Limnoria, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots - For further assistance or to help out with ubottu development, please join #ubuntu-bots Added by stdin
Date: 2008-07-24 01:34:39
Last edited by krytarik
Date: 2023-03-24 02:18:03
Requested 419 times
botdoc <reply> Documentation on the custom plugins for ubottu and clones is located at https://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Documentation for the official !Supybot plugins is located at https://ubottu.com/devel/supydoc/ Added by tsimpson_
Date: 2010-10-21 19:00:40
Last edited by dax
Date: 2017-10-30 07:04:41
Requested 13 times
bothelp <reply> For ubottu usage instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | For help with ubottu plugins for supybot, please ask in #ubuntu-bots Added by stdin
Date: 2009-03-15 13:32:10
Last edited by dax
Date: 2017-10-30 06:45:41
Requested 28 times
botsnack <reply> Yum! Err, I mean, APT! Added by Amaranth
Date: 2006-08-05 08:42:05
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2009-08-06 13:34:26
Requested 3953 times
botsnack-#ubuntu-offtopic <deleted><reply> Yum! Err, I mean, APT! Added by Pici
Date: 2009-06-19 14:00:19
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2009-08-06 13:34:00
Requested 23 times
boys-#ubuntu-offtopic <reply> ♪ Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you ♫ Added by Seveas
Date: 2007-01-12 02:37:17
Requested 67 times
boys-#ubuntuforums <reply> ♪ Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you ♫ Added by PriceChild
Date: 2007-01-16 16:39:09
Requested 17 times
brainstorm <deleted><reply> Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like! Added by PriceChild
Date: 2008-03-01 16:35:56
Last edited by bazhang
Date: 2013-09-15 12:08:25
Requested 274 times
breezy breezy badger badger 5.10 <reply> Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-17 23:17:00
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2009-01-16 14:15:43
Requested 224 times
brokenmsn <deleted><reply> MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials Added by Tm_T
Date: 2009-01-12 16:34:49
Last edited by dax
Date: 2016-02-22 00:20:24
Requested 31 times
brokenusplash <reply> Supported screen resolutions are sometimes detected incorrectly, causing the splash screen to not appear and slowing down boot. Edit /etc/usplash.conf and change "xres" and "yres" to a resolution that your graphics system certainly supports, then run « sudo update-usplash-theme usplash-theme-ubuntu » Added by LjL
Date: 2007-11-27 00:05:09
Requested 21 times
brokenusplash-#kubuntu <reply> Supported screen resolutions are sometimes detected incorrectly, causing the splash screen to not appear and slowing down boot. Edit /etc/usplash.conf and change "xres" and "yres" to a resolution that your graphics system certainly supports, then run « sudo update-usplash-theme usplash-theme-kubuntu » Added by LjL
Date: 2007-11-27 00:05:36
Requested 1 times
browsers http browser lynx links2 konqueror <reply> Some of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others. Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-18 16:42:31
Last edited by tsimpson
Date: 2012-02-11 23:09:20
Requested 510 times
btrfs <reply> Btrfs is a filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is not recommended by default, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs Added by LjL
Date: 2011-11-06 15:30:17
Last edited by dax
Date: 2016-04-08 06:46:24
Requested 132 times
budgie <reply> Ubuntu Budgie is a community !flavour of Ubuntu featuring the Budgie desktop. Its first official release is 17.04. As with all development versions, for questions involving Ubuntu Budgie $curDevelNum support, visit #ubuntu+1. Ubuntu Budgie 16.04 and 16.10 are not supported by the Ubuntu project. https://ubuntubudgie.org/ Added by SonikkuAmerica
Date: 2016-12-14 19:28:19
Last edited by dax
Date: 2017-05-25 14:41:50
Requested 45 times
bug <reply> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-17 23:24:59
Last edited by hggdh
Date: 2019-04-04 16:54:48
Requested 1542 times
bug-#ubuntu-devel <reply> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ IRC is not a good medium to report bugs and this channel is for development coordination. Added by Seveas
Date: 2007-04-20 21:46:35
Requested 12 times
bugresponses-#ubuntu-bugs <reply> Several templates for Bug Squad bug responses are available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses Added by IdleOne
Date: 2011-06-26 23:41:17
Requested 1 times
bugs filebug bugtracker features bus <reply> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-17 23:25:05
Last edited by Unit193
Date: 2016-06-24 20:02:48
Requested 3860 times
bugs-kubuntu bugs-#kubuntu bugs-#kubuntu-devel bugs-#kubuntu-offtopic <reply> If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers. Added by tsimpson
Date: 2012-11-07 13:56:03
Requested 72 times
bugstatus <reply>You can find out about how Ubuntu uses bug statuses here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status Added by jussi
Date: 2010-06-13 13:46:20
Requested 4 times
build-dep builddep a handy APT tool that will try to automatically install build (compile) dependencies for you. In the terminal: sudo apt-get build-dep package Added by apokryphos
Date: 2006-06-18 16:47:16
Requested 26 times
buildcomm <reply> For procedures and general help with community building you can look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity or join #ubuntu-community-team Added by jussi
Date: 2010-08-24 05:33:15
Requested 1 times
bumblebee <reply> The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/ Added by knome
Date: 2014-01-04 20:24:47
Requested 109 times
bunnies <deleted>z0mg! fluffy bunnies! Guaranteed to bring out the tweenage girl in everyone: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Widget+Background:+Fluffy+Bunny+?content=74480 Added by elkbuntu
Date: 2008-06-03 08:11:24
Last edited by Pici
Date: 2013-11-07 01:35:43
Requested 4 times
buntudot <deleted><reply> http://www.buntudot.org is a 3rd party *buntu news website with articles, reviews, how-to’s, and links for all the buntu's ( not affiliated or run by Canonical Ltd. ) <deleted>buntudot.org also runs a 3rd party Repository of ubuntu software see : http://www.buntudot.org/howtos/buntudotorg-repositories/ Added by imbrandon
Date: 2006-07-13 21:25:27
Last edited by nhandler
Date: 2010-04-26 02:46:26
Requested 5 times
burners burn burner burning cdrw <reply> CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-18 21:35:32
Last edited by rww
Date: 2011-04-23 23:42:28
Requested 1340 times
burniso <reply> To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto Added by thoreauputic
Date: 2006-06-22 14:17:16
Requested 139 times
bye <reply> Au revoir! Added by LjL
Date: 2008-01-22 03:51:40
Last edited by LjL
Date: 2008-01-22 04:09:41
Requested 533 times
bzr Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model. See http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/ for a quickstart guide. Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-19 11:20:37
Last edited by rww
Date: 2011-09-09 04:47:36
Requested 83 times
bzrmerges <reply> are always committed at once - without specifying any file - e.g. bzr commit -m "your merge comment" Added by gnomefreak
Date: 2007-08-27 19:29:46
Requested 1 times
ca <reply> Canadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca aussi #ubuntu-qc Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-06-18 16:39:09
Last edited by genii-around
Date: 2011-06-06 02:25:18
Requested 106 times
cadence <reply> Cadence is an application for managing Jack in KXStudio and its repositories. Due to the nature of its intrusive configuration, it causes compatibility issues with Ubuntu's audio configuration, particularly !ubuntustudio-controls. For this reason, adding the KXStudio repos to any Ubuntu install is highly discouraged. Added by hggdh
Date: 2019-04-13 19:21:49
Requested 4 times
cairo-dock <deleted>a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.cairo-dock.org Added by Seveas
Date: 2006-08-09 12:28:37
Last edited by rww
Date: 2011-04-11 19:57:26
Requested 39 times

©2006-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker
©2008-2009 Terence Simpson
©2018 Krytarik Raido